Life Update & Mother's Day!

6:02 PM

Hello, Internet!

It... has definitely been a while since I've posted on this blog. I feel so badly about that, and there are a number of reasons that kept me from blogging, many of them under the umbrella of "life getting in the way." I may do a more in-depth life update post, telling you everything I've been up to and what's new since my last post on here. But that's for another time! I know I've said this before, but I really want to mean it this time: I do want to get full-force back into this blog. I'm working on making that happen, so stay tuned and cross your fingers that I can actually pull through on my promise and commit to this blog again! It really is near and dear to my heart and I would love to make it a part of my life again.

Now that we've got that out of the way, I wanted to do an update post, because this weekend was pretty eventful. So let's go through what I've been up to, on this very sunshiny Mother's Day weekend!

As of writing this, my mom and I just got back a few hours ago from a very eventful day with my older sister, who is getting married next month. So we thought it would be a fun little "girl's trip/Mother's Day outing" to take a road trip down to her wedding venue, which is in the beautiful countryside. So it was definitely a nice, scenic route down there, full of mountains and hills and grassy pastures for miles.


It also helped that it was an absolutely gorgeous day today—it truly felt like summer!

So, we finally got to our destination, which is this beautiful property sort of out by itself in the country, and my sister's wedding venue is actually this really lovely barn. When we first checked it out a few months back, we were instantly sold by its charm and my sister agreed that she thought it would be the perfect place to get married:



Oh, what's especially great about this venue (and totally crucial information to mention) is that they have the cutest dogs running around freely. And of course, me being the dog lover, this instantly made our visit that much better because I got to just pet the dogs, and at one point one of them even came carrying a chunk of bark wanting me to play fetch with it.

When we pulled up, these doggies immediately came out to greet us! D'aww. 

It turns out these two are mother and pup, and the owner of the property says the mom is three weeks pregnant again. They were so cute and always by each other's side.

Mamma dog on the left, and her puppy on the right.


And then there's this big guy, who seems a bit intimidating but he was so sweet, too. Most of the time he just hung out in the shade and relaxed.


Uh... oh, right! Wedding stuff. So after we explored the inside of the barn and made sure we were still as much in love with the venue as when we first saw it a couple months back (we totally were), we made our way to the back patio...


...which led out to even more beautiful property and breathtaking views of the countryside.


Also, this little guy wanted to hang out with us some more.


I didn't mind.


The great thing about this place is that there's so much room to hang out and socialize. I could totally see people meandering in and out of the barn, hanging out in the grassy area or on the back patio. My sister's wedding is also going to be dog-friendly, so she'll have her little pup tied to a line so she can run around with a bit of freedom, plus she's welcomed anyone else to bring their dogs so they can run around, too. So I bet they'll have a hayday with this much space.

All in all, for a summertime wedding, I couldn't imagine this place being any more ideal.




The other detail that I think is so cute is that they have these stringed lights hanging by the patio area. I don't know, I've always loved stringed lights, but I especially love these because they're like little lightbulbs, so they give the area that much more of a quaint, old-fashioned atmosphere. I bet this is going to look so nice when they're lit up at night, with the sounds of music and dancing and laughter spilling out of the barn and into the summer night.


So, after taking a look around, absorbing all the sights, getting a few more wedding details in order—and of course, plenty of time with the dogs—we decided to make our move back home. Now my sister's even more excited to get married at this place now, which is so nice to see. I have to say, even I'm getting pretty excited. It'll be a really fun time, especially since it's in the summertime. This wedding will be the perfect way to kick off summer and I can't wait for it to get here now!

Life Update

So, another thing that's changed since the last time I wrote on this blog is... I got my license!

This has been something I've been needing to do for so long and it's been an incredibly long journey of ups and downs. In the last year I'd say, I've gained SO MUCH more confidence in driving than I did when I first started at 19. Even now, I can't say what it is that changed. I could chalk it up to being able to practice more consistently and finally having the time in my life to focus all my time and energy on it, since before I was always wrapped up in school. But honestly, I think another big part of it is that I was just... ready for it. Sometimes that's all you can do is wait for when the time is right for you. There's no perfect science to it–sometimes it's just a gradual process, and for me, I definitely needed to take that time until I felt I was good and ready. Like I always say, everyone's journey is different and it may take us all different amounts of time in getting to where we want to be in life... and that's perfectly okay.

So yeah..! I have my license now. To be honest, it still doesn't feel real. The driving anxiety is still there to some extent and I know that I just have to continually practice and get that confidence up as much as I can. But I'm already so proud of how far I've come, and getting my license was a huge milestone that I'm so grateful I was finally able to overcome. Now the world is mine to discover, full of infinite possibilities...

Until next time,

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