Walking Trails and a Three-Day Weekend

12:46 PM

Hello, Internet!

This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend, and thankfully for me I got to have three days to relax. Going into this weekend, I wasn't sure what my plans were. I wasn't like everyone else, who all seemed to be going away somewhere or doing something really exciting. Still, this weekend took me completely by surprise and it ended up being the best one I'd had in a long time. So let me take you along and show you what all I did!


Every day when my mom and I drive to and from work, I notice a park to the side of the road. I'll see people walking along the pathways or kids running around on the grassy hill. I've been wanting to explore this park for myself, so on Saturday my mom and I finally made a day of it and walked around this park for the very first time... and we were both pleasantly surprised! It's weird—every single day we pass by this park that's just off the side of a very busy road and it doesn't look like much upon first glance. But the second that you pull into the gravel lot and step out of your car, it's like the busy road has immediately dissolved away and you feel like you're in a completely different place, peaceful and secluded.

As we walked down the path, the first thing that caught our eye was this beautiful pond that had a ring of grass and dandelions growing around it. I'd honestly never seen this before, and it looked like something out of a fairy tale or a Studio Gibli film.

As we continued walking down the path, we couldn't believe how spacious this park was. We passed by vast open grassy meadows, little dips and hills, and clusters of trees. The entire time it was so scenic and lovely, and I couldn't believe that all of this was hidden away behind a busy road all this time.

Before long, we came to a pond, where a few ducks were meandering. Thankfully they were trusting enough to allow me to get close to them and take some photos!


Finally, we came to the end of the path where it led deeper into the trees and turned into more of a traditional, off the beaten path hiking trail. We walked through there for a bit, sheltered by a canopy of trees and foliage all around us. We didn't want to go too far in though, for fear of getting lost, so we eventually turned ourselves around. (Also, my mother was making cruel jokes about a wild animal coming out and attacking us, and jokes or not, I was not going to take that risk!)

After making our way back, my mom and I decided we weren't quite ready to get back in the car just yet. So we sat down on a bench overlooking the park and had one of those mother-daughter talks where we sort of just talked about everything. It was really nice, and I just enjoyed the easiness of this afternoon. I think we might've found a new hangout for ourselves.

S U N D A Y 

On Sunday I knew I really wanted to do something fun, since I wanted to use Monday as a day to relax before going back to work. We decided on spending a day in Seattle—it's always a really fun day when we can hang out in the city, plus it was supposed to be really gorgeous on this day. As we drew closer on our drive, we sort of just came up with the plan to walk around Green Lake. It's one of my favorite places in Seattle, if not my favorite, and I liked the idea of spending the day in an area that's not heavily touristy. It turned out to be the perfect choice, because the weather was absolutely beautiful. The sun was out, and it was so warm out that it actually felt like a summer afternoon. The water was sparkling and shimmering, and there were people out swimming and paddle boarding. Best of all, we saw so many cute dogs! I didn't end up taking as many pictures on this day because I was really just enjoying living in the moment, which I'm starting to think is a good philosophy to live by...

All in all, this couldn't have been a more perfect afternoon. I wished I could've stayed there forever, sitting on the bench with my mom, looking out at the beautiful blue lake, basking in the sun and people-watching (and of course dog-watching, too. Always dog-watching). This only makes me more excited for summer and for more days, more moments like these.


Today... today is my relaxing day as I'm writing this. I slept in and watched the morning shows that I usually can never watch on a typical workday, and now I'm just taking it easy, still in my pajamas. I'm not sure what I'll do after this. The only downside to Memorial Day is that a lot of stores and other businesses (*cough* the library!) aren't open today. Maybe I'll find a book to read. Maybe I'll dink around on the Internet today. Who knows? Today's my day to relax.

Until next time!

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