Farewell, Fall

12:41 PM

Well, it's official: today is December 1st. To many, this marks the beginning of the holiday season: drinking hot cocoa by the fire, singing along to Christmas songs on the radio, wandering through a wondrously festive shopping mall, decorating your house for the season and watching others as they prepare to decorate theirs... I'm totally and completely ready for all of this to come, as it's my favorite time of the year.  At the same time, though, it's crazy to think that December is already here.  It feels like fall has quickly come and gone.  Most of the trees on our street are already bare.  Still, this was an incredible, beautiful fall that we had.  I feel bad that I've barely had the chance to document any of it on this blog, so this post is a farewell as well as a remembrance of fall.  I hope you enjoy!

The best part of fall, of course, is the scenery: walking down a tree-line street full of oranges and reds and yellows.  It made going for walks so lovely:

It wasn't just in my neighborhood where I liked to take walks.  I enjoyed going to town as well, and I remember one day I decided to walk to the library, where the front yard was transformed by fall leaves as well:

The coolest part was walking down the main path leading to the library, which had tall thick trees on either side, their branches outstretched and creating a shelter overhead.  It was like walking through a beautiful, autumny tunnel.

 I never got sick of taking pictures of fallen leaves this season.. 

And who could forget the obligatory "standing among a pile of leaves" pictures (that I seemed to take at every chance I got)?

I even managed to find a little acorn! (which, if I'm being honest, I'd never seen before in my life outside of cartoons).

To this day, it still sits on my windowsill

The month of October was also marked by plenty of reading.  One gem that I happened upon was The Riverman by Aaron Starmer.  What initially grabbed my attention was the gorgeous artwork on the cover, but I was pleased to find that the writing inside was just as fantastical and captivating as the exterior.  Still though, you can't deny that this is a very picturesque book to read in the fall, specifically while sat on a stone bench, wearing a baggy cardigan and decorative leggings

So that is just a snapshot of this past fall season through my eyes.  I tried to savor every minute of it, and while I'm sad that it's come and gone, it only means more good things to come: classic TV holiday specials, watching all the Christmas scenes from Harry Potter, curling up by the fire, spending time with loved ones, and more.  Farewell, Fall.  Until next time.

x Danielle

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