Packing For Victoria!

5:41 PM

Well, after a long summer, it's finally here... a vacation!  And I truly need it at this point.  I've been dealing with the lows of post-college life all summer, from searching endlessly for a job to feeling alone and like life is passing me by.  It can be extremely hard, life after college.  But like my mom said, "You need a vacation," something to change up my routine a little, and I couldn't agree more.  That's why me and my mom, along with my older sister and aunt are going to... VICTORIA, B.C.!

I'm so excited.  Mom and I went to Victoria last summer for the first time and absolutely loved every bit of it.  So, since we loved it so much, we thought it would be a great idea to have the trip again, only this time to invite our sisters!  It'll be a practical sister-sister-sister-sister trip!  Mom's picking up my aunt after work and she'll stay the night with us.  The next morning, we get up at the crack of dawn to drive through Seattle, pick up my sister, and continue on toward the border - passports, Canadian money and all.

I've already started packing, as you can probably tell from the picture at the beginning of this post.  I've got some clothes, sunglasses, a hat, the bathroom essentials, and some books to bring along.  Oh, and don't you worry.  While it's not in the shot, don't think for a second that I'd forget to bring my new camera:

 I'm SO excited.  This'll be the first vacation I take with my new camera.  More specifically, this'll be the first time when I won't have to lug my DSLR along.  Instead, I'll have this handy little pocket camera every step of the way to document everything on our trip.  While I won't be able to blog anytime during our 4-day trip (and good for that anyway; it wouldn't be much of a vacation if I was constantly on the computer) I'll be sure to make a big update post, telling all about my trip, when I get back.  And yes, there will be pleeeenty of pictures to go along with it! So stay tuned!

Until next time!
x Danielle

Because sometimes you just need a vacation... ;)

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