My (Sort-of) Home Office

12:45 PM

Hi, everyone! Since I've been away, there's something new that's been added to my life and that I've been spending a lot of time in —a little home office in the works! So naturally, I'd love to take you inside and give you a tour...

Without further ado, here is my "home office"!

This is actually my sister's old room, but she's been moved out for years now. I've always loved how bright her room is and how much sunlight pours in through the window. Since I've been back living at home after college, I've been desperate for a quiet place where I can retreat to--sort of my own little space to get work done. My room is actually a dungeon and is always really dark, so it's not fun to stay holed up in there all day. That's when I thought to convert my sister's room into my own "office!" So far I've been loving it and find that it's a perfect brightly-lit workplace where I can focus or just to get some peace and quiet for a while. 

Let me show you around!

So, this is what I guess you would call my "desk area." Most of the time, my laptop sits and charges on this cute little table that my sister actually decoupaged, so it looks really ~artsy and Urban Outfitters-esque. 

The mauve-ish recliner actually used to belong to my grandparents before we inherited it into our home. I really love the color, and it's a really cozy seating area, though I'm rarely actually sat here. When I first claimed this as my office, I used to sit here all the time on my laptop. Unfortunately, this set-up isn't ideal for one's posture, so sitting hunched over for hours at a time could really screw up my back. So most days when I'm working on the laptop, I'm usually sat on the bed or sprawled out on the floor! I'm really hoping to get a decent desk sometime in the near future. Still, this is a nice little corner.

Besides my laptop, I often keep my iPad here, too. This was a new purchase this year and I absolutely love my iPad. It's easily one of my favorite gadgets that I own, and I couldn't imagine being without it. It's great for reading e-books, going online on-the-go when I don't feel being hunched in front of my laptop, and so many other things. I especially love this case I have for it, which looks like a leather journal--perfect for a bookworm like me!

Of course, having all of these gadgets in my office means that I need a place to charge them.  Introducing, my charging area! I love that when I'm charging something, I can set it on this chair, which has a really cool paisley pattern on it.  And it's also right next to the table where my laptop sits, so it seems fitting to deem it the charging area ;)

Unfortunately, this office severely lacks in outlets... or at least ones that I have access to. Most of them are hidden behind furniture, making it impossible for me to plug things in there. 

This is where surge protectors seriously come in handy. It's great that I can plug in several things at a time and have them all in one place.

Look at all those cords!

I've gotten into the habit of keeping my DSLR in this room, too. Since this room is so full of light, it's the ideal setting for taking pictures. Here's where she usually sits, my beautiful baby *heart eyes*

And this is what I like to call my "fabrics corner." Sometimes when I'm taking pictures--usually for book-related photography--I like to have a nice backdrop. You know, something besides the grey carpeting. It adds a more professional look and works well to make the picture pop. I keep a few red sheets of material here, one of them a nice silky red that photographs beautifully on camera. I'm hoping to gradually acquire more colors, because they've  helped improve the quality of my pictures and are so fun to photograph with and to experiment with new things.

I also like to keep a few microfiber cleaning cloths to wipe down my screens, whether that be my laptop, iPad, phone, or camera screen. They work wonders and are a total godsend!
Not pictured: my black velvet dress, which I pull out of my closet every now and then in desperate situations!
Another perk of this office is that it comes complete with a bed! On an average day it's rarely made, though. Still, I think it's a nice edition and adds a brightness to the room...

In case you're wondering: Yes, I do sometimes take naps here when I'm not writing, reading, or caught in a job-applying frenzy.

...especially with these pillows! 

Can you believe that I even have a pencil sharpener in this office?

No, but really. This is an absolute necessity for any office, especially since I write a lot. I love that I can have my pencils perfectly sharpened in seconds (So satisfying!)

And of course, no office is complete without a little disorganization. I always have my flimsy notebook and a few scattered papers lying around for when I need to write. Book reviews, blog post ideas, practice job interview scripts... you name it!

* * *

So, that about sums it up! I hope you've enjoyed this tour! It's not much, but I love my office for all its humble details. Who knows, maybe one day I'll have a real office that will have grown so much more from where I started. But for now, this little office serves me well, and I'm content with it.

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